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The level of detail of accounting records kept by this school is amazing, and is a result of the careful work of Mwa Mwa Aee, the headmistress.




Mwa Mwa Aee keeps a separate exercise book for every month, in this all daily expenses are noted down in detail, here is a picture of the daily expenses for December 15th-18th 2012

Accounting and Finances

Original in Burmese                                                                                               English translation

In the same monthly books she also tapes in all utilities bills that they get and pay, such as this one below for electrcity in December 2012:

At the end of the month she makes a summary of all expenses and donations, such as this one below for December 2012.

                      Original in Burmese                                                                                                   English translation

As you will see by checking the accounts records here, the expenses are usually far higher than the donations, therefore at the end of every month Mwa Mwa Aee pays the funding gap out of her own personal money!


You will also notice that names of each donor is written in the summary, this means that if you give a donation then at the end of the month you will see your name in the monthly summary and hence you can be sure of exactly what the money is going to and that there is no double accounting of different donations.


With the help of the Peoples Volunteers Association, the Farmhouse school has committed to photographing the summaries and emailing these to us every month. We commit to put these up on this website.




You can find the detailed accounting records here.

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